School Uniform

At Adderley we are proud of our identity and therefore encourage our children to be proud of their uniform.

Our uniform consists of:

  1. Jumper (required). Blue Adderley Primary School jumper or Pupil Ambassador jumper (or blue cardigan).
  2. Shirts (required). White long or short sleeve shirt/blouse or white polo shirt.
  3. Ties (required). School ties must be worn if your child is wearing a collared blouse, shirt or polo T-shirt, and do not need to be worn with summer dresses.
  4. Trousers/skirts (required). Black or grey (school shorts may be worn in the summer).
  5. Dresses (required). Black or grey school pinafore dress or blue and white checked summer dress.
  6. Salwar kameez (optional). Black, blue, or grey.
  7. Socks/tights/leggings (optional). White, grey or black.
  8. Shoes (required). Black school shoes or plain black trainers (not sports trainers).
  9. Jewellery (optional). Stud earrings only. Pupils are not permitted to wear necklaces, rings or bracelets/bangles. (Watches are encouraged)
  10. P.E Kit (required). White Adderley Primary School PE T-shirt and black/grey shorts or jogging bottoms. A long sleeve white T-shirt may be worn to cover the arms. Black pumps or sports trainers. Swimming trunks/costume for when swimming.

We ask all parents to send their children to school correctly dressed and ready for their daily schoolwork. Uniform can be purchased from the Enterprise Hub. Book bags, Sports bags and water bottles can be purchased from the Enterprise Hub at the beginning and end of the school day. There is also an area where ‘Reduced Price’ uniform is available.

All items, except for school ties, can be purchased non-branded.

You can view our School Uniform Policy here.

If your child breaks the rules when it comes to school uniform, you will be informed and given the opportunity to rectify the situation. However, if problems persist the child could face sanctions which will be agreed by the Head Teacher. These can include the child being sent home to change and parents being required to bring in appropriate clothing.